Arbor month started on the 1st of September 2010 and I have planted no less than 5 trees in my yard. My husband and I are trying to offset our huge carbon emission from last year and has committed to only traveling locally this year (though I must confess this is partly due to the double recession of our own finances). But apart from the obvious climate related reasons I think every self confessed bibliophile needs to plant at least one tree this month. You only need to walk into the likes of Exclusive Books or CNA to realise who many of our precious resources and trees are being sacrificed to publish ,quite frankly, rubbish.
So I urge you to do one of the following: plant a tree as a thank you to the paper and its source that has brought you many hours of reading pleasure and shop locally or secondhand. Buying books from a local independent bookseller not only supports your own community instead of the big corporates but makes a lot more carbon sense. And the best and worth while has probably been separated from the masses to enhance your browsing experience. See a previous post explaining this offset here
Pick n Pay and Woolworths will be selling young potted indigenous trees in their flower aisles, perfect for balconies or consider these green starter packs from Eco Living Gifts

More on the bookshop above in my next post.
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