In my previous post I recommended that some light reading should be acquired for this the first month of spring so that we can reconnect with nature and spend some time enjoying the warm and beautiful African sun. And if you still haven't heard of (where have you been?) or made an attempt to start reading Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy then there is no better time then now. I started my last installment a month ago and because I know that after The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest there will be no more Lisbeth Salander, I am taking my time to finish it and restricting myself to only a few pages a day. I am not usually one that buys into hype or consider books for their ratings on bestsellers lists, so when a friend of mine insisted in lending me a copy I transferred it to my my husband's nightstand for him to test it out for us. Well the rest in history and the trilogy has become a welcomed guilty pleasure and indulgement which has kept us thoroughly entertained.

Not since ABBA has the Swedes been able to grab the world's attention with such intensity. On holiday in Koh Lanta, Thailand we found the beach strewn with people, cocktail in hand and in their hammock's (myself included), each and everyone with a copy of one of the three Stieg Larsson's in every possible language and cover you could imagine. We realised later that Koh Lanta was home to rather sizeable amount of Swedes and that it even had a Swedish school. It might quite be possible that they were giving copies of the book out on the plane on their way there.The copy you see in the picture above is one that I purchase from a women with a bicycle driven stall, umbrella and all, outside our hotel in Shanghai...for R20. I think it fell of one of those mass production trucks somewhere in China...I hope.
Sweden and their Scandinavian counterparts are renowned for their impeccable style and Larrson does this birth right proud by producing a very stylish if not some what promiscuous series of crime novels. In the second novel, The Girl Who Played With Fire, the heroin of the trilogy kits out her apartment with furniture from Ikea. I found this quirky post on Apartment Therapy on what her apartment in Stockholm would have looked like.

Just because I love it so and miss it so :)
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